5th May 2008 Kuala Lumpur Tmn OUG -Some black hearted people broke into my house few hours ago and stole my dog. I am so so so terribly horribly sad. I beg God to return my dog to me. Please help me to find my MALTESE. Her name is Melody. She is 5 to 6 months old, pure white, around 2.5kg and she has a microchip planted on her back. Please help me to visit any petshop, vet, dog breeders etc etc to find my dog. I love her very very very much.
Microchip number: 458098500150716
My heart so pain... very very pain....
I am speechlesss...............
I am speechlesss...............

Melody... mummy misses u soooooooooooooooooooooooo much... Please come home...
Mummy is waiting for you.....
Please call 012-3656203, 016-6519963 if u see any suspicious people selling Maltese or if you have friend who just bought a Maltese.
Thank you very very very much.
Print posters and have them distributed around your neighbourhood as well as vets / groomers / pet shops in your area. Do say that you will offer a reward, but do not indicate the amount as if it is too low, the dognapper may not call.
Print as many posters as you possibly can and also give them to your friends in other neighbourhoods (does not matter how far) and ask them to put them up at vets / pet shops / grooming shops.
Melody will definitely need grooming at some point, so go to as many groomers as you can.
I truly hope you find her soon. I will pray for her quick and safe return.
Take care.
Sorry. Forgot to add : go to as many dog events as you can because if Melody has been sold, the new owners may take her out for events.
And while you are at the events, distribute her posters as well.
You can also put up her posters at PAWS and SPCA just in case she somehow ends up there.
Ikano will be having a weekend family event (including pets) beginning this weekend until the end of June....you may want to check it out.
Thanks Cathy. Thanks for all ur tips of finding my Melody. I will continue to find Melody.. I really miss her so much...
Thanks again...
i think i saw ur dog around subang areas ss14 but its pretty dirty already so i'm not sure its ur dog or not..
for weeks i've seen the dog wandering around and yet no owner until i saw ur ad.
if this information helps,hopefully the dog u looking for is the right dog i mention..
good luck on ur search! =)
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